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Advent Calendars to Make a Difference

Updated: Sep 2, 2023

Christmas is coming and there are plenty of advent calendars offering treats to take us into the festive period, from the traditional tiny chocolates to fancy tea bags to gourmet pork crackling. A bit of self care and joy at the end of another hard year is perhaps no bad thing, but there is a little more to this season of advent.

Here you will find a collection of online advent calendars, offering a mix of prayerful reflections and hopeful actions, to help you ready yourself for Christmas spiritually as well as practically. Simply click on the images to find out more.

Hear Christ's call to step beyond ourselves. Weekly reflections from Pray as You Go, which is rooted in the Ignatian tradition of spirituality. [Please note this retreat begins with an introduction on Thursday 25 November.]

Spend Christmas in your global neighbourhood. Daily emails from Tearfund containing stories, prayers, music and poetry. This year the focus is on meeting our neighbours from down the road and around the world, and loving them and God in the run up to Christmas

"Good news of great joy for all the people." Contemporary reflections from the Methodist Church's social media accounts, linking Luke 2:10 with characters in Dr He Qi's painting, and current affairs and concerns in Britain and around the world.

Take twenty four days to change the world. Daily emails from Traidcraft, containing a five minute action you can take to make the world a better place.

How does the extraordinary Christian experience of new birth call us to act in ordinary places? A calendar of daily reflections, prayers and simple practices to help us invest in hopeful, justice-seeking discipleship during Advent.

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