As the build up to Christmas seems to get longer and busier each year, I find it more and more important to mark the season of Advent, not as another thing to add to the to-do list, but as a way of putting the to-do list into perspective.
And so every year I look for resources to help me keep my focus and nourish my soul, so that I come to Christmas Day ready to celebrate and not fit to collapse. There are loads of books available if you want something to hold in your hands, but if you would like to engage with something online, here is what I have found this year...
Sacred Advent Retreat This is a daily prayer email drawing on the Ignatian tradition, offering a way of praying with and reflecting on a passage of scripture. A chance to take a moment of quiet pause each day.
Tearfund Advent Calendar Sign up for a daily reflection from Tearfund, sent to your email inbox. Another chance to take some time to be quiet and be inspired.
Advent Challenge This comes from the Bible Society, and offers daily reflections and suggestions for simple acts of kindness. An opportunity to engage with practical ways of sharing something of the heart of Christmas.
Advent Conspiracy This is about remembering a few simple tenets in order to celebrate Christmas more humbly, beautifully and generously. Not a a daily devotional but some resources which might get you thinking.
I hope there is something there to inspire you this year, but however you choose to mark the coming weeks, may they be rich with blessing and may you hear tidings of comfort and joy.

This was my favourite image from last Christmas. Midnight communion in our front room,
marking the end of Advent and the beginning of the feast.