Here is a selection of online (and a couple of offline) resources which may help you mark the season of Advent in a meaningful way. And if you happen upon something else that you find useful, please do share it.

Pray As You Go Advent Retreat
A series of recorded reflections from Pray as You Go, which is rooted in the Ignatian tradition of spirituality.
Sacred Advent Retreat
Sign up for daily emails from Loyola Press, acting as a prompt to pause and reflect.
Advent Conspiracy
Sign up to access a bank of resources, encouraging you to celebrate Christmas humbly, beautifully and generously - including a series of daily reflections featuring a contribution from our minister.
Tearfund Advent Calendar
Sign up to receive daily emails containing a thought or reflection from around the world, all to help you refocus on Christ.
Injustice Advent Calendar
Sign up for a daily email from Traidcraft, each one including a five minute action you can take to work for justice.
Reverse Advent Calendar
This is one you can create for yourself by setting aside an item of food each day, and then donating them to a local food bank or similar organisation - perhaps the Welcome Project collection point at church.
Random Acts of Christmas Kindness
Another one to make for yourself, by committing to perform a simple act of kindness each day of Advent - choose your own acts of kindness or get ideas from friends.