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My name is Leigh and I am the new minister here at Stoneygate Baptist Church. My first week seemed a good opportunity to introduce myself, so here are a few things you might be interested to know about me.

I grew up in the West Midlands, then spent ten years living in Yorkshire. You would not know either of these facts from my accent.

I am married to Mike and we have one son called Eddie. So far the little one has his mummy’s looks and his daddy’s enthusiams for the outdoors.

I trained for ministry with St Hild College in Sheffield and Northern Baptist College in Manchester. I feel slightly guilty about abandoning the North but I am loving Leicester so far.

My masters dissertation looked at narrative ethics in popular culture, with a particular emphasis on pacifism in Doctor Who. If you are a fellow geek, ask me about it sometime.

I enjoy going to the theatre but am equally happy curled up under a blanket watching television or reading a book. I think I just really like stories.

I once passed out in Shakespeare’s mum’s hallway. I am dreading the day I meet someone who says ‘me too’ and I lose my one interesting fact.

I am a bit of a spiritual magpie. While I am very happily Baptist, I still have a fondness for the Anglican liturgy of my childhood and have been profoundly moved by the Ignatian spirituality I discovered seven years ago.

Well, I think that is plenty to be going on with for now. I look forward to getting to know the church and the community and the city better, and to us learning plenty more about each other as we go on.

There is a chance to formally welcome me at my induction this Saturday 8th Septmber at 3pm, so if you’ve not already made it a date, why not come and say hello?



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