We are beginning to experiment with how we do online worship, and so this week we recorded the service as it happened.
It will take a little practice if we want to do this long term, but for now we are able to share an audio version of the service, with the text of the prayers on screen. We are not able to include the hymns at the moment, but cues are given and links are shared below if you would like to sing at home. Brief pauses are left to mark the times of open prayer, and you are encouraged to pause the recording to pray for as long as you want.
The news has been heavy recently, so this week we focused on praying for our world, with some brief thoughts from scripture to lead us in.
Opening hymn: How Great Thou Art
Refrain: O Lord Hear My Prayer
Reflection: The Blessing (the version recorded by Afghan artists which we heard in church is no longer shared by an official account, and may have been removed to protect those who made it, so instead we share this international kids' version - may this blessing continue to be sung over the people of Afghanistan)
Closing hymn: For The Healing Of The Nations