This morning we gathered cafe church style, which doesn't lend itself well to recording, but we'll try to give you a flavour here.
We learned a new song and had a go at singing a round. We also heard Thrice's Come All You Weary and the official version of We Seek Your Kingdom, which led to a glorious moment when the tech failed and we finished it a capella.
We recalled Jesus' invitation to "come all you weary and find rest for your souls", and shared with one another the things that bring us rest. We then remembered that we are also called to go out to serve God and the kingdom, and talked about how we can support one another in that.
There was time to engage in gentle habits of prayer, including using a finger labyrinth and praying the examen, and an invitation to be anointed and commissioned for our ministry in the world, before we sent one another out to "go in peace, go in joy, go in love".